If week is a long time in politics clearly 12 hours is an eternity for me. I went to university this morning thinking that I knew where I was going with my project. I had sorted out in my mind what I was going to do - there was harmony in my collective (Sorry another Star Trek reference!). Then bang. A thought struck me. Bad things thoughts not usually good things - tend to rock the boat.
Isn't it funny where ideas come from. I was sitting in the journals section of the DMU library paging through back issues of Photoworks. I came to some work by TONK and this idea plopped out...
'why not break the rules of flash photography?'
I thought about this for a while longer then I thought 'No titles/No Rules' Suddenly everything started to fall into place. Last week Paul Hill had asked my what I now called myself as I was no longer employed. "Student but I don't really feel the need for any title anymore. I have had 32 years of that" was my reply. No Title. My previous work was all to do with rules and I am sick to the back teeth of that. No Rules. It made sense. No Titles/No Rules.
I know this sounds a little anarchic but what better way to experiment. No Title/No Rules.
This is a little much to compare this to what happened to St Paul. I am pretty sure I will not be motivated to shape a new religion but it does make sense to me at least. So there it is No Title/No Rules.
Display 2007 - Helen Sear
Interestingly we had a talk by Helen Sear, much of whose work would appear to be challenging perceptions. For me the lecture could not have come at a better time.
One final thing. The photograph is of the rather excellent cake that David Manley brought in. Paul Hill asked me to take a photograph which I did.
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