Piet Mondrian, Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow, 1930
There has always been something smoldering deep inside me that from time to time comes to the surface (No I don't mean some by product of a curry I might have eaten the night before!). What I am talking about is the attraction of Piet Mondrian. For years I had some prints of his work on the wall of my house - much to consternation of my long suffering wife. I have never really understood what it was about his work that attracted myself to him. Having given it some thought I think it is the regularity of the shapes he used or was it the thickness of the lines? Perhaps it was the bold primal colours or perhaps the orderliness appealed to my brain? Who knows? What I do know is that what ever subterranean influence was at work then is starting resurface know with my work for the latest project.

Yesterday I sat down and produced a series of images for today's session. Initially I was going to print a number of single photographs. I then decided to make them into some form of triptych. As I played around these photographs I had an experience similar to Roy Neary in the Close Encounters. I found myself arranging the photographs so that the arrangement became as important as the photographs themselves. Suddenly, the borders between the photographs were important. I then noticed that the colours started to leap out rather than the form of the photographs. To date I have no idea why this might be but I have a feeling that whatever attracts me to Mondrian is also influencing my work.
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