I spent yesterday thinking about how I could use flash to make some interesting self portraits. I have to say that I enjoyed the experiment and have learnt a great deal. The main aspects that I looked at was strobe lighting and using my flash gun as a spot light a la Nick Turpin. Both have had differing results.
The strobe light was my first attempt at anything like that and to be truthful it wasn't too successful. However, I learnt a lot and have realised it is not as easy as I might have thought. Clearly I need to work at this.
As for the spot this worked a lot better. When I used flash before I was not in control of the light it produced. The flash gun just went off and I might have bounced it off of the ceiling but that was about it. However, using a piece of a black paper to focus the light in just one spot was a revelation. It has made start to think a lot more seriously about what can be achieved with just very simple equipment. In fact, it is more rewarding to see what I can produce using this type of set up than any fantastic studio set up.
In the end, I suppose, this is the point of the module. It is to make work in areas that you have never worked on before and learn new and exciting things. It should also open up new possibilities that you just didn't know where there.
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