Sunday, 26 December 2010

Drawing the head and figure

I have been given a wonderful book for Christmas called 'Drawing the head and figure'. It is a Haynes manual of how to do this. It breakdown the body into it's individual proportions and then explains how to capture these in a drawing. It is a great text book in it's own right but the real reason I like this book is that it was first published in 1963 - the illustrations are much older and have a 1950s feel to them. I spend half my time working on the exercise and the other half deconstructing the illustrations for their hidden message. If you followed this book to the letter then your drawings would turn out like Hollywood movie posters of the 1950s. Quite brilliant.

I have also decided to try and work on these exercises on the iPad. Over the past few weeks I have found myself neglecting the iPad for real world drawing and I would like to try and redress this.

Sent from my iPad

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