Friday, 3 December 2010

Work in progress

I find it fascinating to record a drawing being made, just how does something change over time as you work on it?   I suspect that this may say more about the drawing than the final result or perhaps it is like sausage making - you don't want to see how they are made but want to enjoy the final results.  I am not sure which at the moment.

Anyway, I am recording the progress I am making creating this drawing of WH Auden.   So far this week I have been concentrating on female beauty and form - two things Auden did not processes - certainly as he grew old.   I saw this face the other day and I knew I had to draw it.  So far it has taken me the best part of five hours to get to this point and I suspect it is only about a quarter finished.   At this rate it should be completed by sometime next week.  It really is a challenge and at the same time deeply satisfying.  I just hope I don't screw things up - at least I'll have the photographs to remind me how much I screwed things up.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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