Sunday, 12 December 2010

Hillary Clinton's nose. I can't find it

Well I'm back on portraits and I am trying to make a likeness of the former first lady and now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This is part of an idea I am working on which, if it is like many of my other ideas, will never get finished! Be that as it may, the first part is that I need to make a portrait of the afore mentioned Secretary of State. I have managed a reasonable first stab at it apart from the nose - I just don't seem to be able to get nose right. This is really frustrating - I know I will eventually find the nose but at the moment it is nowhere to be found. Wow when did that happen? I feel confident that I will find a solution, not I will never find a solution but rather it is only a matter of time. Now that is progress.

In the meantime I will search forlornly for Ms Clinton's nose - now I bet that's not to be found in the Wikileaks documents.

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