Tuesday, 21 December 2010


I am still surprised where inspiration comes from. I was watching that excellent movie sliding doors last night and suddenly was inspired to make a quick sketch of Gwyneth Paltrow. The sketch didn't really look too much like her but that wasn't the point. It was the inspiration that was important. As the the film progressed I worked on the sketch using Letraset pro markers to add a little depth and colour.

This morning I couldn't get the sketch out of my head so I decided to create a large drawing from it. This time I used the pro makers mixed with oil pastels to produce Gwyneth. Now she is not. Likeness per si but rather what the actress might have looked like if she hadn't lead such a privileged life. Actually that is not far as whilst the the drawing developed I moved further and further from the actress to someone completely different. My Gwyneth has the sad lost eyes of someone who has faced a hard life whilst at the same time retained her femininity and dignity. The ears are sad but they still are full of life.

So thank you Gwyneth for the inspiration I hope you like the drawing, if you ever see it.

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