Life can seem very strange when you are young, it's pretty strange when you're older but that is another story. So back to the wide wonder that the world is. This morning I spent some time with a very young, and certainly naive, Collared Dove. He or she was sitting on our garden fence for what seems like forever. At first I thought there was something wrong with it but as I watched I came to realise that it was just shell shocked. Only a few days ago it had two parents to look after it's every need. It was warm and dry in the small world he had known - now it was on its own wits to prevent it being someone else's breakfast.
So there it sat and just watched me. Eventually it went to feed on one of our feeders and then returned to its previous perch where it just flopped. Life can be really hard. I couldn't resist the temptation and so out came the camera. I only had my 180mm macro lens so the depth of field was always going to be very shallow even at a small f stop but that didn't seem to matter. I just sat there and snapped away
'..Just how trusting was this new arrival?'. Well I decided to test it. Slowly I walked towards the young bird. Still no movement. I got closer and all it did was look at me. 'This is going to be Sparrowhawk food if it doesn't shape up' - I stepped closer. Eventually I was able to get to within a metre before it decide to fly off, not far just onto the pergola. I just hope it gets a bit more street wise.
Simon Marchini LRPS
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