Monday, 10 May 2010

What will the Lib Dems do?

The pressure is starting to mount on all the parties after the inconclusive election.  Who will do a deal with whom?  At the moment no one really knows but one thing is for sure.  If the Lib Dems make a mess of this then they will never get another chance to change things - Never.  All they will do is demonstrate to the electorate as a whole that they are incapable of being anything other than the people on the outside shouting.   Governing is a messy business and means upsetting many people.   Do they want to do this?  

I have not got a clue but what I do know is that there appears many within the Lib Dems who like their ivory tower position rather than the murky waters of real politics.  PR is about doing deals with whomever is in the best position to form a government.  No matter which way you cut it the Labour party are not realistically in that position form the new government - it really wouldn't have any legitimacy even if they can coble together what looks like a parliamentary majority.  A majority that would collapse at the first sign of the real cuts that will be coming in the next six months as these will fall disproportionally on Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland as they have a larger state sector than  England.   So the Lib Dems appear to be stuck between a rock and hard place.

One final thought - just how quick can a second election be arranged?  I suspect four weeks is the minimum.  If the Lib Dems fail then we could have another election by the end of June.   If this happens I wouldn't take any bets as to how many Lib Dems there would be left in parliament as they would be portrayed, rightly or wrongly, as putting their own sectional interests above the national interest.   

Oh I am glad I am not a Lib Dem at the moment.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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