Monday, 5 July 2010

The best camera is the one you have with you.

We all live in an ever changing world, well those of us lucky enough to be able to afford the changes and I suspect if you are able to read this then that includes you.  So everyday we are bombarded with new is the best.  We must get the latest because that will only do.  I know because I am that person, although in my defence over the past few months I have started to change my views.  Those of you who know me might find that hard to believe, after all haven't I just bought myself an iPad, perhaps on of the most over hyped products of recent years.  Well that was until the iPhone 4 came on the market.  Suddenly the iPad is so last week and we must all have the iPhone 4 and I am sure that it is much better than my 3G iPhone in so many ways.

Well I am not so sure.   I have started to really appreciate the beauty of the camera to the phone.  Not because of it's technical brilliance but rather because it is so poor.  You can do things with that camera that has been designed/programmed out more modern cameras and I suspect that includes the iPhone 4.  It really is refreshing just to be presented with something that is the equivalent of a pin hole camera.   You have to work just a little to make a good photograph and this is very exciting.  I have a really good compact camera and yet I find I am leaving that at home more and more and relying on the iPhone.  I have also decided that the best shape for the iPhone photograph is square.  I have no idea but at the moment it just appeals to me.  This will probably change but at the moment the square means that I pare about a third of the available image away leaving me with a 1200 x 1200 pixel size shot.  Tiny but really interesting.

So is this a rejection of modern technology?  Well no but it does mean I am trying to appreciate what I have at the moment without striving for the new which may not, after all, be better.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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