Thursday, 22 July 2010

The Time iPad - oh what a circus ...

The Times iPad edition didn't arrive again and I wasn't surprised. Perhaps I am feeling tired but it is now becoming a bit of a joke. Yesterday I went to the app page on iTunes and found out that one of the things that might help is if you reboot you iPad. Now this would appear to drive another nail into the coffin of the iPad being a better way of using the Internet, instead this is turning into a rerun of the Amstrad circa 1988. This, of course, is grossly unfair on the iPad as the fault appears to be with the Times app, however, no app gets onto the iPad without Apple's approval so perhaps there is more going on here.

Anyway, away from the conspiracy theories I did reboot my iPad and guess what the Times iPad edition downloaded straight away. I suppose this is a case of back to the future.

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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