Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Street Photography

There was something in the back of my mind when we were talking about street photography the other day.  I knew I had taken some photographs that I just hadn't gotten around to work on. Then it came to me where they were and I have to say to my surprise they were over a year old.

Now whether these are exceptional photographs or not I don't know but I know that at least one of the lads on the bikes wasn't too pleased to have his photograph taken.  However, as he was cycling where he shouldn't have been I though it was only fair that he should get annoyed.  Having just read that I think that says more about me than the lad or street photography but perhaps that is the attitude you need.  Just a touch of bloody mindedness or perhaps it helps if you are over 6'3" tall - maybe that helps.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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