Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Why are 150 words so difficult?

150 words that is all I have got for the statement of intent for my ARPS portfolio.  150 words.  This isn't much and yet it is one of the greatest challenges when you are writing to distil your ideas down to  such proportions.  Churchill, one of the greatest word smiths of the english language found this very difficult - what chance have I?   At the moment I have only got 93 so have another 50 to play with.  However, the first draft was just a wild stab in the dark in a vain attempt to get something down on paper - the hard work starts now.  Drafting and redrafting - this is going to be so painful.

Anyway on a more positive note I am almost there as far as the selection is concerned.  Almost but not quite.  I need to give this another day or so.  Perhaps I can think about this when I am having root canal work this afternoon.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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