Well as one door opens another closes. Over the past few weeks I have been slightly under the weather which has been diagnosed as 'a virus'. This, I think, is Doctor speak for slightly worse than 'a bug' but will sort itself out over time - which it has. However, now my foot hurts. I had been looking forward to getting out more and walking, something that has been somewhat curtailed over the past few weeks. Well this is on hold as I have decided to rest my foot in the hope that this too will get better over time. Oh the joys of being over 50!
This does provide me with an opportunity to catch up with all those tasks I have put off over the last few weeks. They require a certain amount of concentration which I haven't felt motivate to allocate to them. It also allows me improve my artistic, if that is what they are, skills. Enter Cate Blanchett.
Some time ago I bought a book of actor portraits taken back stage. This has been a constant source of inspiration and frustration but slowly I have started to master the portraits. I am now going to take this to the next level. The next level, in this case, is pastel. I have sketched out Cate's portrait and now am going to take a huge leap of faith and try and use pastels. It would be easier to us charcoal as the original photograph is black and white but I feel there is something about the portrait that could be captured in pastel. I suspect this is all going to end in tears but this is the only way to progress. Anyway wish me luck this evening!
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
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