Saturday, 23 October 2010

Oh hum - so much for making a realistic likeness

I wont go into all the boring details as to why this drawing is not a likeness.  However, I really like this, as much as I do any drawing the day of production.  I gave up half way through the process trying to make it a likeness and decided to concentrate on developing my Chiaroscuro skills.   This is what I really love about drawing - making it stand out from the page.  Now this is just an illusion but, for me, it is a really important skill.

This whole episode has made me ask what is important in any picture, drawn, painted or photographed?  I haven't come to any firm conclusions, firm conclusions with an art object what a hoot! However, I have started to debate with myself  and I think this is start as it should mean that I challenge my current views and hopefully expand my understanding.  What more could you wish to get out of life?

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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