I feel like screaming - I really do. I am taking one step forward and the same back. I am now producing interesting drawings with only one problem - I have lost the ability to make them a good likeness. At the moment I hate this. I know how to overcome this, it is mechanical and I think it is cheating but I know I can do it. all I need to do is pop a grid over the picture I am trying to sketch and then it becomes painting by numbers and I just do not want to do this. The skills I want to master are those that allow me to produce a really interesting drawing whilst at the same time being a good likeness of the subject.
I know I will get there in the end it is just so frustrating at the moment. Of course this does open up the question of why? Why do I want to do this? Well last week the tutor at the drawing class I am taking asked what we want to get out of the class? It was a throw away question - he seems to do this a lot - but it did get me thinking about what I want to do. Well at the moment I just want to create a really interesting likeness of a person. I am not looking for more complicated communication of feelings or the like just make the likeness. The reason for this is that I see this as being the first step to becoming a good artist. You cannot really communicate unless you have a clear mastery of what you want to say. In art this can only be done when you have mastered your medium - otherwise the messages gets lost. This takes time. The fortunate thing is that I have the time to do this.
One final thing. I hate what I produce on the day that I produce it. However, when I go back in a couple of days or so then things are not so bad. I don't know whether this is good or bad it just means my initial judgement should be ignored.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
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