Tuesday, 5 October 2010

My photography is changing - different subjects and approach

Ever since I decide to try and learn to draw my photography has taken a back seat.  All that expensively gathered equipment is starting to gather dust.  Is this a good thing?  Well at the moment I just don't have the inclination to get out there and make some 'proper' photographs.   This doesn't mean I won't it just means that I am not at the moment.

The interesting thing is that this coincided with my ARPS rejection.  I am not sure whether there is a connection but I suspect there is - I was feeling pretty bored with the whole process for sometime and the preparation of the portfolio crystallised this feeling.

This doesn't mean that I have stopped making photographs - far from it.  It is just that I no longer cart huge amounts of gear around with me but instead use my iPhone.  This is so liberating - long it be so.

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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