Sunday, 13 February 2011

A digital landscape - very iterating

This is a truly hybrid creation - part live sketch, part digital manipulation. The sketch is pure fantasy that I drew whilst watching some art programme last night. The subject was Turner and suddenly I felt the need to sketch something. Now I am not for one moment claiming to but that make a 'Turner' but that this was inspired by his work. Actually it would be more accurate to say I was inspired by Paul Nash - but that is another story.

Having slept on work this morning I decided to digitally manipulate the result by first making an image with my iPhone, then transferring it to the iPad and finally manipulating the resultant image by using a combination of Photoshop and Brushes. The result is a totally new work, one that is far more interesting than the original, actually the spell check had corrected my original spelling of interesting to iterating and I suppose that actually is really good description of how the image was made. Welcome to the world of digital iteration.

Sent from my iPad

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