Sunday, 27 February 2011

Read the bloody instructions!

It is really easy to read the letters XP isn't it. Well I didn't find it so and as a result I thought the whole upgrade procedure to Windows 7 was really over the top. I just couldn't understand why this particular upgrade was so complicated and why I would loose all my system info and programmes. It just didn't make sense. So I did a bit more digging and according to the Microsoft website the upgrade from Vista to 7 was suppose to be very simple and I wouldn't loose any data at all. Why the confusion?

Well the answer is simple I had missed the afore motioned letters XP at the top of the instructions in the upgrade box. Now I have suffered from this form of word blindness all my life and in my past profession I developed strategies to overcome it. Now that I am a man of leisure I tend not to need these strategies and so I get myself into a pickle every now and then. I have no idea whether this is dyslexia or some other problem but it can be very frustrating. In short I should take my time and carefully read the instructions. However, it is very difficult teaching an old dog new tricks. User error I'm afraid.

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