So the NBA wants to set up its own world cup for Basketball playing nations and then withdraw permission for NBA players to take part in the Olympics. I am sure there may be some merit in this but really would anyone care? Well of course one nation will care and that is the USA and especially the NBA who I suspect see this as a way of promoting NBA basketball over international basketball - I'm told there is a difference but not being a huge basketball fan so I wouldn't really know. This does also seem to drive a coach and horse through the international governing body, FIBA... ' We are Basketball' (Their website slogan) and it does make one wonder if this is the final power-play by the American organisation to, once and for all, take control of all things basketball for their own benefit.
I guess it would be the same as the Premiership, the richest football league in the world, deciding to set up its own competition outside the control of FIFA or UEFA with the intention of only benefiting their own clubs. Of course world football is not dominated by the Premiership with at least two other leagues hard on the Premiership's heels, in money terms at least. I guess the closes thing to this suggestion is the Indian Premier League in cricket and look how the world cricket game has benefited from that!
So perhaps the best thing for the NBA to do is shut up and play with the rest of the world on the world's terms or take all their players home and then see how the US does in basketball at the Olympics with all those one and dones in college basketball in the US. However, it is far to say - what the hell do I know about this!
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