Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Over the past few months I have been trying my hand out at painting with varying degrees of success. As this process has developed I have become more and more aware of the fact that I don't find painting in any way rewarding. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate paintings, far from it, it just means that I don't have the same passion for painting as I thought I might when I started out this road of artistic discovery.

So what do I want to do with my art? Well the one constant that I always come back to is the human face and the joys and frustration of trying to capture a likeness on paper. However, beyond that I am not too sure at the moment - I guess I'm at a fork in the this metaphorical road. So where does this sketch of el Capitan a la Ansel Adams fit in all this? Well at the moment I am not sure apart from an idea keeps coming into my head about trying to do something about Deep Time. Deep Time is a geological term for, well, very old rocks and this idea has been an itch that just wouldn't completely go away. I have thought of this as a photographic project but perhaps I should start to think outside the box a little and maybe include other art that I might create - indeed as I write this a recent exhibition of John Piper's work called 'The Mountains of Wales' came to mind. Perhaps this is the path I might like to take and see where it takes me?


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