Friday, 24 August 2012

Big Canvas Project - End of Day 1


Day one is now complete and the whole thing went better than expected.  I think the main reason for this is that I stuck to my plans, such as they were, and actually painted for myself in the session in the studio.   I set myself the goal of getting the head painted by the end of the two hour session which I managed.  Looking at the image now I can see things that I could improve on, for example I think I would like to make the head a much better likeness  but given the time restraints I don't think I'll have time to do this, but I don't think this effects the painting as whole.

Apart from painting for myself the other lesson that I learnt was that I like big.  Big suits me, and those of you who know me won't find that too much of a surprise! However, it has come as something of a shock to me.  But if we knew everything going into something what is the point of the doing the thing in the first place?

So one more day of the Big Canvas Project and if that goes the way that today did then I might have an interesting painting on my hands.   But before I get too carried away with the excitement I have been here before and it all ended in tears.  Lets hope I have learnt from that - only time will tell.

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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