Friday, 24 August 2012

The Big Canvas - Part 1 - oh an iTunes stinks


Well I have just completed part 1 of the Big Canvas project - paint the canvas background.   I was initially going to roller the whole canvas a very light blue but when I saw how this was working out I thought that was actually better.  By the way it isn't anything like this blue in real life and there are hints of brown/red as well which were not picked up by the iPhone camera.

Now for today's Apple related moan. As you may be aware I have moved from Windows to Apple - however the circumstances of this move meant that I wasn't able to do it in an orderly fashion and of course somethings got lost - one of those was some of the music I had bought off of iTunes.  No problem as you can download all your previous purchase off of iTunes - so I thought.  Well it seems that iTunes hasn't got one particular album which I bought from them listed and so I can't do that.  I haven't got time this morning to sort this out so I am a bit screwed apart from the fact I have most of my songs on my trusty old iPod.  So this is a way around things but why hasn't iTunes recorded all the albums I have bought from them??

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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