Monday, 13 August 2012

Frustration using Photoshop - Kedleston Hall


One of the joys of moving from operating system to another is that it gives you a chance to relearn skills from the previous OS all over again.   This morning I have been getting to know Photoshop CS6 all over again in OS X and as usual there have been ups and downs.  Overall the effect was identical to using Photoshop in Windows apart from remembering which key is the equivalent of the windows key on the keyboard.  However, there is one action that I overlooked (Forgot) to back up and therefore wasn't able to important into OS X.  Of course you don't realise how much you use these commands until you have lost them.  Equally, because it was a action I can't remember what the keystrokes were so that I can recreate the action!   I have found a way around this, but it's long winded and not as elegant as the previous solution.  No doubt over time it will come back to me but at the moment it is very frustrating.

So here is the first image I have created with Photoshop CS6 using OS X instead of windows.

Simon Marchini 

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