Saturday, 6 March 2010

I enjoy dunking rich tea biscuits

I really don't what it is about dunking a rich tea biscuit in tea that I find the most rewarding.  Is it the taste of soggy biscuit?  or is it the achievement of managing to do this with out the biscuit breaking off and forming a slowly disintegrating mush on the top of your cup of tea?  Or maybe it is a flash back to when you are very young and the simple pleasure that food gave you when being feed by your mother?  Who knows but I like dunking my biscuits.  (To see more about the significance do a search of Google and you'll quickly see that I am not alone!)

When I was younger I felt a little self concious about this guilty pleasure but now I don't care.  I love dunking my biscuit.  Now of course you have to just the right biscuit - different biscuits suit different drinks.   For me rich tea rules for tea and digestive biscuits are for coffee along with chocolate bourbon biscuits.  There is also a significance between McVitie biscuits and store generic versions.  I always find that McVitie biscuits have the superior texture and so don't fail fowl to the aforementioned disintegrating biscuit problem.  Of course this doesn't cause a problem for the king of all biscuits - the Hobnob - although this is not the best for dunking and certainly will put extra inches on your waste without too much effort (DON'T I KNOW!)

There are all manner of variations along this theme, and many people have their own favourite biscuit with which to indulge this guilty little pleasure.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

1 comment:

David Manley said...

Now...I used to enjoy nibbling both ends of a chocolate finger then sucking the tea up the revealed biscuit bit until the whole thing was just about to collapse and then swallowing it whole. Of course if you got it wrong it all became very messy indeed with the cuppa wonder I had major heart surgery!