Saturday, 20 March 2010

Messing about in the drizzle - starting to look for complementary colours

After singing the praise of the British weather I then became frustrated by it - typical.    This afternoon there were very few opportunities to get out and capture any photographs - the light was so dull and of course it kept raining.  Anyway I did managed about 10 minutes this afternoon and started to do some work with complimentary and harmonious colours.   

The Grape hyacinths is a case in point.  The blue of the flowers is in harmony with the green of the vegetation -  well that is what my colour wheel says.  To be honest I have never really given this too much attention - preferring to fly by the seat of pants when it comes to these matters.   Does it appear to be a good photograph? was the selection point in the past.  Now I am trying to improve my garden photography so I need to be more precise with my colours - these are a vital element to making a great plant photograph.  Well that's the theory anyway - lets see how it works out over the summer.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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