Sunday, 7 March 2010

memo to myself - don't go the park on Sunday

Well I should have known better, I really really should have known better.  But I didn't.   I forgot that most people have the weekend off and so on a nice bright early spring day what do they do?  They go to the park to feed the ducks.  Now I don't blame them for that I would do the same its just that I wanted to try and capture some shots.  The two tend to be mutually exclusive.  They were today.

The first problem is that anyone with a camera is treated with suspicion   Now if that camera has a huge telephoto lens on it then you get extra strange looks.  The next is the inane comments.  One person asked ' you need all that equipment for just some gulls?...'  Well yes otherwise I wouldn't be lugging it around with me.   Then there are the dogs chasing all over the place and on and on it goes.( I've just reread this and I am starting to sound like Marcus Brigstocke. )

It is no else's fault;  they were after all enjoying themselves in the park - just as I was trying to.  I should have chosen a quieter weekday and I will in future.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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