Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Why Coots?

I suppose I need to explain why I have been talking some photographs of Coots this morning.  Well it is simple and a little complicated at the same time.   I have thing about the ordinary when it comes to wild life photography.  The page of magazines are full of exotic animals from around the world and we always seem to neglect the wild life at home when in fact they are fascinating.  There only problem is that, well, they're a bit common.

I like common - those who know me might think just as well - so I suspect that this is a blow for common animal.  Now for the more complicated bit.   I also want to use some of the photographs in forthcoming competitions  and so i need to make compelling and original photographs for them to have any chance of success.  Whether I have succeeded in this only time will tell.

So that is why I am taking coots.  I expect over the coming weeks and months I will be taking many more.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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