Some of you might know that we had the garden revamped last year. On of the problems of having a garden designer in is that the plants are all new and so tend to be on the small side. They are also planted with the next five years in mind rather the next summer. The result of this has been that the garden is somewhat sterile at the moment - gardens, like all living things, mature and, dare I say it, get a character of there own over time. Ours is still very new so has none of the idiosyncratic touches of the mature garden. We have started to address this.
Over the last month we have introduced spring colour to the garden. We have also replaced plants that have died and new plants where there was space. The result is that the garden is starting to look more lived in. There is a lot more to come but we have made a start. However, I think it is important to recognise that I am not the gardener in all this - that honour falls to my wife Mandy. My input is more in the visualisation and where to plant - well that's I think. The reality is that I say it should go in one place and then Mandy gives me that knowing look and I alter find that it has gone somewhere else - usually a place much more suited to the plant. I know my place.
Simon Marchini LRPS
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