Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Oh what a beautiful morning oh what a glorious day...And Google Spellcheck

With apologise to Rogers and Hammerstein it is a lovely morning.  I have finally shaken my bug off and feel in full fettle and raring to go - but go where?   well I was going to visit the Simon Roberts exhibition at Bradford with my friend David, but he seems to have been struck down with the same bug that I have been suffering with over the past week.   So I am going out to do some scouting, the session I had to put off last week.

One final thing.  I was listening to the ever informative Economist podcast the other day - this was about the problems with data overload - and the correspondent put the view forward that Google now has the best spell-check  in the world.  Now I use the afore mentioned service, I use Google chrome, and I have to say it is not very good.   I find myself referring back to my trusty old Word spell check because Google doesn't recognise or produce any suggestions.  An example of this is that the Google  spell check doesn't recognise the word Google instead it offers the words goggle and googly.  Still some work to be done then wouldn't you say?

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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