Monday, 12 April 2010

Common or Garden birds maybe - but they are still wonderful

I have started to really think about what my ARPS submission is going to be about.   I keep a close eye on what other people have submitted and it is a very broad church - how many of them submission seem to go for more exotic locations and creatures.  I understand that this adds certain problems to a submission as a series of lions captured in a game reserve in Kenya is so 'easy' as to devalue the submission.  However, there does seem to be an emphasis towards the unusual.

I am going the other way.  I want the capture the ordinary, common, everyday bird as I feel they are passed over by many photographers as they search for the rarer creature.  It also has the advantage of easy access so that you can overcome any problems you might have encountered in any previous shoot.  Now this leads to a second problem.  Currently I have nearly 400 images to choose from - this is just the last year - and I will no doubt be adding to these over the next few months.  However, this does have the advantage of creating a series that is just right, similar exposures, composition etc.   Who said ordinary would be boring?

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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