Thursday, 1 April 2010

Nature Watch #1

I am not sure whether they'll ever be a no 2 but I thought I would record the comings and goings in and around the garden this spring.

Well things are really hotting up.  All around we have birds pairing off.  The latest is a fairly new resident in the area - carrion crows.   We have a number of Jackdaws but crows are new - I am not sure why they are moving into the area although it may well be that I have not seen them before.  Anyway, I was watching them on the roof tops performing.

The other day I had a brief glimpse of a sparrowhawk as it negotiated the pergola as if it wasn't there - a really wonderful sight.    The nest boxes are starting to attract interest from propective lodgers.  To date we only have one definite resident, a blue tit.

In a neighbouring garden someone planted a Christmas tree.  Over the years this has grown into a large tree (it is still growing and if it keeps it's growth up will become a huge tree).  Over the past few weeks I have been able to watch a magpie slowly build a nest right at the top of the tree.  The great thing about where the nest is is that you can get some really good views from my house.

Anyway, not sure if there will be a No 2 so this may well be a collector's item - we'll see.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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