Sunday, 4 April 2010

Star Wars Concert - 24 hours on - some reflections...

Well it has been about 24 hours since the Star Wars concert and so now is time just to take stock.  What do I think?   Well WOW!   You really have to be a star wars fan to really appreciate the show but if you let yourself go then it was just brilliant.

As I sat there watching the massive screen with the soundtrack playing I had to keep pinching myself and reminding myself that this wasn't a recording but a live orchestra playing - they were simply superb.  Ok the whole show was a just a little naff with the narration by Anthony Daniels laying it on really thick.  Who cares?  Very few in the audience.  I did feel sorry for the young mother sitting next to me - she clearly had been dragged along to help look after the young kids, possible 3 and 5 years.   During the intermission she pulled out a thick paperback and tried to read it - no chance the kids and husband were just too excited.   This was hard core Star Wars and there was no half measures.   

The intermission was a fascinating experience as I scanned the large crowd there were numerous light sabre fights taking place as novice Jedhi tried their moves.  Just behind me there were three kids, probably about eight, their eyes were as large as dinner plates, their animated conversation  punctuated by clearly references which was the best characters.  Their excitement was infectious.

So was it all good.  Well I could nitpick and say that some of the film montages were mixed up with scenes from episodes 1 - 3 mixed in with 4 - 6 but this really would be nitpicking and quite frankly I don't care.  If you are a StarWars fan this was as close to Navanna as you can get.   Worth ever penny.   

One final tip.  Take the London Clipper to the O2 - it just adds to the atmosphere.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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