Sunday, 25 April 2010

Vote Nick get Dave - is this for real???

Just as an side to my previous post on the election I forgot to mention that the papers that have traditionally supported Labour are also in something of a meltdown.    This is best shown by Polly Toynbee, a fully paid up member of the Labour support group, wonderful piece 'your heart says Clegg but vote with your head'.   In short vote Nick get Dave.  Now my previous post probably supports this headline.   Toynbee's view is that a Labour government is better than a Conservative - period.   So you simple people out there stop all this messing about with the Lib Dems as they are not going to win and will let the conservative in.   

As usual Toynbee doesn't seem to be reflecting a real need to change the whole political system,  She seems to be arguing that only Labour will truly deliver electoral reform.   Funny that they haven't done a thing to the Westminster system for the last 13 years of whacking great majorities.   They are happy to introduce PR for the Welsh assembly and Scottish parliament but don't be mistaken in believing this was for any reforming zeal.  No it was for narrow sectional, i.e. their own, political gains.  

However, once the genie is out of the bottle then it is amazing that a different type of political discourse takes place and we end up with minority administrations having to negotiate each bit of legislation through on a case by case basis rather than using their electoral majority to ram home any piece of legislation - Digital Economy Act anyone?

So perhaps both ends of the political spectrum is struggling to come to terms with the changing mood out their at the moment.   Yet another good thing to come out of the election process.  Lets hope it keeps that way.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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