Wednesday, 7 April 2010

General Election Day 2 - how much more of this can I take?

Has it only been 2 days?  Today was the last Prime Minsters question time and guess what blah blah blah.  Tish poo you suck well I think that was what was said I blanked out after 30 seconds.   I know it is an election but really do we have to go through the pretence that everything one party says is brilliant and everything the other says is insane. (Insert party name as applicable)

I learnt one interesting thing last night watching Newsnight - I am not alone.   It would seem that few people want Gordon brown as prime Minister but there is far less enthusiasm for the alternatives.   Why don't they both grow up and tell us the truth - forget the 'efficiency savings' and admit that there will be serious cuts in services.  Everyone knows this apart from the one people who are going to have to implement them - the politicians.   Perhaps one day they might treat we simple folks, the voters, as adults.  Perhaps not.

Anyway having given this some thought I think my manifesto for the next parliament would read:

  • Proportional representation;
  • Fixed Term Parliaments;
  • Reform the House of Lords - make it a fully elected two term limited;
  • Become fully integrated into the European Union;
  • Act as a medium sized rich country not a pretend super power;
  • Increase scrutiny of the executive by Parliament;
  • Somehow make the politicians pass less laws and those they do make them better thought through;
  • Give freedom a chance - we do not need to live in the encroaching nanny/busybody state we have become;

I have no idea if any of these ideas would ever work or be accepted but this is what I feel would be the way forward.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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