Thursday, 15 April 2010

News from the garden front

An interesting days was had at Belton House.  The grounds are superb, an ideal place to some really stunning garden photographs as well as landscape work.  I am still working through the results of the Belton shoot but early indications are that the days was worth while.  It was also worth while just for the joy of being out in the fresh air, it was perhaps a little cool but the light was perfect for plant photography.

The only down side was that it was the end of the Easter break and so there were still a large number of school children around the place.  Now I know this makes me sound like a grumpy old man but visiting places like Belton in mid week when the schools are back is so much more relaxing and peaceful - god what an old fart I am!

One final thing, which I know I should have checked up on but I didn't, this week end is the Belton House horse trials and so a large crowd is expected - definitely a place to avoid unless you like three day eventing, I don't.   So it is time to produce some photographs which means I will be glued to the computer for the next few days - deep joy!! 

Simon Marchini LRPS

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