Friday, 9 April 2010

Should I go to Bempton? - that is the question.

Well I have been mulling over in my mind whether I should go to Bempton Cliffs tomorrow.  As I write this I have decided to go but that doesn't mean I will.

So why the ambivalence? Well I have visited Bempton for two years in a row and the photographs I have produced have been much the same at each season.  The question is will a third season produce anything radically different?  This is the main reason I have decided to go again tomorrow.  The photographs will be used for the final submission for my ARPS so more of the same isn't going to make that much of a difference.  The downside of going to Bempton is that it is almost a 300 miles round trip and I have to get up at 3:30am - the reason for this is because it is a very popular site and by lunch time the place is full with other photographers jostling for the same shots.   

So I'm going to go but I am not sure whether it will be worth all the effort - however there is only one way of finding out.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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