Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Working the process - just what photographs should I select for my ARPS submission?

Accurate; Sharp; Thematic Approach; Harmonious; Tastefully Presented; Illustrative; Informative.

Just some of the key words I have picked up over the past day or so whilst working through the RPS Nature Group's interactive CD.  As I write this I have a spray diagram that maps out how these word fit together.  They try and describe what each individual photograph should reflect whilst at the same time how they should fit into the wider picture of the 15 print portfolio and this doesn't even include the guidelines for mounting prints, their size etc.   It is enough to make your head hurt.   

It would have been so much easier if I started this process two years ago with a single clear goal in mind and worked religiously towards this.  Well this is not how I work.  I love making photographs and just try and capture what I see - then I try and shoehorn them into some form of submission.  I have got a little better over the years but I still am all over the place.   Still it is an enjoyable process, in a strange masochistic way.  I will no doubt write much more on this over the next few months and the first draft of the submission will no doubt change over the period.  It is just great to have a fist stab at the submission - it has helped me clear my thoughts about what I want to achieve.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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